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Thursday, 23 February 2017


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Welcome to Travel & Culture Services. Most trusted Umrah provider from Pakistan

Documents required for Umrah Visa
Original passport valid for at least 8 months , with 2 blank pages together
Original N.I.C / B Form for Children / Nikahnama in case of Husband/wife's name not matched in passport
4 photographs, size 4 X 6 c. m with light blue background & without borders
Medical Vaccination card for meningitis & polio.
Pakistanis with dual nationality require multiple entry visa to Pakistan with NICOP for Umrah visa from Pakistan

Terms & Conditions
Package rates do not include Airline tickets, affidavits or other certificate charges.
Up to 2 children (under 12 years) are accommodated in parent's room without extra beds If Extra bed needed it will be Charged Extra as per your hotel.
The package will be for total period of stay & passengers will not be allowed to stay under own arrangements.
Passengers must return on dates specified in package voucher. Any extension in stay should be pre - arranged through our handling agent in K.S.A.
A cancellation charge of $ 180 per passenger is applicable for all M.O.H approved cases , including those rejected by the Saudi consulate for stamping.
Please be advised the Travel & Culture Services only acts as an agent to facilitate service with hotel, ground handling agents visa issuing agents and other authorities thereof. We shall not be liable for any loss lack of service provided due to any unforeseen reason, disaster, war or act of God

Worlds Dangerous Road Accident Caught On Camera | Deadly Car Accidents Compilation

Viral Videos is the perfect place for explorers. our channel videos show and describe popular topics in entertainment, movies, media, games, fun facts, paranormal stories, scary true events/stories, unsolved mysteries and like that we lists of everything under the sun. We give you the most fascinating gems of knowledge..

Oh my god what a horrible accidents.

Amusement Park Rides Gone Wrong! Crazy Theme Park Ride Fails! Most Shocking Amusement Park Rides as of 2017

Amusement Park Accidents Caught On Camera that went horribly wrong. We’ve compiled the scariest stories from the world’s most unsafe amusement park rides for your extended viewing pleasure.

Rollercoasters are fun, that is unless they malfunction and you end up falling to your death. If that were the case, you wouldn’t be reading this right now, so we’re assuming you’re watching this from the safety of your couch or toilet.

There are some amusement park attractions that we all think of as totally safe, but given the right wind conditions and wrong operators, the results may be deady.

I hope Mini gets a full recoveryThe support a YouTuber gets after an accident - Miniladd's car accident
Indeed, giving charity is a very noble act. When asked for money by a beggar, indeed we should aim to give some, but let us also remember to give to those that don't ask for it but are still deprived of their finances due to their situation! Check this out:
"And from their properties was [given] the right of the [needy] petitioner and the deprived." [see 51:19]
A reminder for me too, in'sha'Allah! #AllahuAkbar
One of the harder things for many of us to do nowadays is lowering our gazes when it comes to the opposite gender, especially for those living in the West as one can become desensitized. What are some of your suggestions and tricks on lowering your gaze? Share some encouraging advice, in'sha'Allah!
One of the harder things for many of us to do nowadays is lowering our gazes when it comes to the opposite gender, especially for those living in the West as one can become desensitized. What are some of your suggestions and tricks on lowering your gaze? Share some encouraging advice, in'sha'Allah!
If there's one thing we can be certain of in this life, it is not money or fame, but death. Yes, we can wholeheartedly agree, every one of us will face death. Then why is it that many of us don't prepare for it? Indeed, we plan for retirement, our kids' college plans, buying a house, yet the one thing we are certain of is death. So let us remember often, the destroyer of pleasures, death!
There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all. Don't be cheap with your smile, even now in 2017. So smile in the face of your brother, it can be a form of charity for you, in'sha'Allah.
The similitude of FIVE PRAYERS is like an overflowing river passing by the gate of one of you in which he washes five times daily - No filthiness can remain on him
You are children of Adam, and Adam came from dust. Let the people cease to boast about their ancestors

♥ I Need Allah In My Life ♥

Know that Islam is perfect and it is complete. We do not need to add or subtract anything to it. Islam need not follow our commands, rather we need to follow the commands of Islam! Check this out:
"This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion" [see 5:3]
A reminder for me too, in'sha'Allah! #AllahuAkbar

He who keeps his heart near Allah will find peace and tranquility, whilst he who gives his heart to the people will find restlessness and apprehension

According to Islamic belief, Allah is the most common word to represent God, and humble submission to his will, divine ordinances and commandments is the pivot of the Muslim faith. "He is the only God, creator of the universe, and the judge of humankind." "He is unique and inherently one , all-merciful and omnipotent." The Qur'an declares "the reality of Allah, His inaccessible mystery, His various names, and His actions on behalf of His creatures

Most Muslims use the untranslated Arabic phrase in shā’ Allāh (meaning 'if God wills') after references to future events. Muslim discursive piety encourages beginning things with the invocation of bismillāh (meaning 'in the name of God').]In Islamic tradition, there are 99 Names of God (al-asmā’ al-ḥusná lit. meaning: 'the best names' or 'the most beautiful names'), each of which evoke a distinct characteristic of Allah. All these names refer to Allah, the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name.]Among the 99 names of God, the most famous and most frequent of these names are "the Merciful" (al-Raḥmān) and "the Compassionate" (al-Raḥīm).

Worlds Dangerous Road Accident Caught On Camera | Deadly Car Accidents Compilation

Viral Videos is the perfect place for explorers. our channel videos show and describe popular topics in entertainment, movies, media, games, fun facts, paranormal stories, scary true events/stories, unsolved mysteries and like that we lists of everything under the sun. We give you the most fascinating gems of knowledge..

Oh my god what a horrible accidents.

Amusement Park Rides Gone Wrong! Crazy Theme Park Ride Fails! Most Shocking Amusement Park Rides as of 2017

Amusement Park Accidents Caught On Camera that went horribly wrong. We’ve compiled the scariest stories from the world’s most unsafe amusement park rides for your extended viewing pleasure.

Rollercoasters are fun, that is unless they malfunction and you end up falling to your death. If that were the case, you wouldn’t be reading this right now, so we’re assuming you’re watching this from the safety of your couch or toilet.

There are some amusement park attractions that we all think of as totally safe, but given the right wind conditions and wrong operators, the results may be deady.

I hope Mini gets a full recoveryThe support a YouTuber gets after an accident - Miniladd's car accident
Indeed, giving charity is a very noble act. When asked for money by a beggar, indeed we should aim to give some, but let us also remember to give to those that don't ask for it but are still deprived of their finances due to their situation! Check this out:
"And from their properties was [given] the right of the [needy] petitioner and the deprived." [see 51:19]
A reminder for me too, in'sha'Allah! #AllahuAkbar
One of the harder things for many of us to do nowadays is lowering our gazes when it comes to the opposite gender, especially for those living in the West as one can become desensitized. What are some of your suggestions and tricks on lowering your gaze? Share some encouraging advice, in'sha'Allah!
One of the harder things for many of us to do nowadays is lowering our gazes when it comes to the opposite gender, especially for those living in the West as one can become desensitized. What are some of your suggestions and tricks on lowering your gaze? Share some encouraging advice, in'sha'Allah!
If there's one thing we can be certain of in this life, it is not money or fame, but death. Yes, we can wholeheartedly agree, every one of us will face death. Then why is it that many of us don't prepare for it? Indeed, we plan for retirement, our kids' college plans, buying a house, yet the one thing we are certain of is death. So let us remember often, the destroyer of pleasures, death!
There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all. Don't be cheap with your smile, even now in 2017. So smile in the face of your brother, it can be a form of charity for you, in'sha'Allah.
The similitude of FIVE PRAYERS is like an overflowing river passing by the gate of one of you in which he washes five times daily - No filthiness can remain on him
You are children of Adam, and Adam came from dust. Let the people cease to boast about their ancestors

♥ I Need Allah In My Life ♥

Know that Islam is perfect and it is complete. We do not need to add or subtract anything to it. Islam need not follow our commands, rather we need to follow the commands of Islam! Check this out:
"This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion" [see 5:3]
A reminder for me too, in'sha'Allah! #AllahuAkbar

He who keeps his heart near Allah will find peace and tranquility, whilst he who gives his heart to the people will find restlessness and apprehension

According to Islamic belief, Allah is the most common word to represent God, and humble submission to his will, divine ordinances and commandments is the pivot of the Muslim faith. "He is the only God, creator of the universe, and the judge of humankind." "He is unique and inherently one , all-merciful and omnipotent." The Qur'an declares "the reality of Allah, His inaccessible mystery, His various names, and His actions on behalf of His creatures

Most Muslims use the untranslated Arabic phrase in shā’ Allāh (meaning 'if God wills') after references to future events. Muslim discursive piety encourages beginning things with the invocation of bismillāh (meaning 'in the name of God').]In Islamic tradition, there are 99 Names of God (al-asmā’ al-ḥusná lit. meaning: 'the best names' or 'the most beautiful names'), each of which evoke a distinct characteristic of Allah. All these names refer to Allah, the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name.]Among the 99 names of God, the most famous and most frequent of these names are "the Merciful" (al-Raḥmān) and "the Compassionate" (al-Raḥīm).

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