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Wednesday, 22 February 2017

How many online Muslim to say MashaAllah

How many online Muslim to say MashaAllah
How many online Muslim to say MashaAllah
How many online Muslim to say MashaAllah
How many online Muslim to say MashaAllah

Could you think of anything more frightening than the idea that Allah doesn’t love you? How much differently would you act if you knew for sure whether Allah loved you or not?
If you knew for certain that He loved you, would youstrive to maintain that love? Would you do the best you could not to ever fall out of His favor?
Or would you take His love for granted and start doing a few sins here and there? After all, He does love you right? He’ll forgive you eventually, right?
Could you think of anything more frightening than the idea that Allah doesn’t love you? How much differently would you act if you knew for sure whether Allah loved you or not?
If you knew for certain that He loved you, would youstrive to maintain that love? Would you do the best you could not to ever fall out of His favor?
Or would you take His love for granted and start doing a few sins here and there? After all, He does love you right? He’ll forgive you eventually, right?
Could you think of anything more frightening than the idea that Allah doesn’t love you? How much differently would you act if you knew for sure whether Allah loved you or not?
If you knew for certain that He loved you, would youstrive to maintain that love? Would you do the best you could not to ever fall out of His favor?
Or would you take His love for granted and start doing a few sins here and there? After all, He does love you right? He’ll forgive you eventually, right?
Could you think of anything more frightening than the idea that Allah doesn’t love you? How much differently would you act if you knew for sure whether Allah loved you or not?
If you knew for certain that He loved you, would youstrive to maintain that love? Would you do the best you could not to ever fall out of His favor?
Or would you take His love for granted and start doing a few sins here and there? After all, He does love you right? He’ll forgive you eventually, right?
Could you think of anything more frightening than the idea that Allah doesn’t love you? How much differently would you act if you knew for sure whether Allah loved you or not?
If you knew for certain that He loved you, would youstrive to maintain that love? Would you do the best you could not to ever fall out of His favor?
Or would you take His love for granted and start doing a few sins here and there? After all, He does love you right? He’ll forgive you eventually, right?
Could you think of anything more frightening than the idea that Allah doesn’t love you? How much differently would you act if you knew for sure whether Allah loved you or not?
If you knew for certain that He loved you, would youstrive to maintain that love? Would you do the best you could not to ever fall out of His favor?
Or would you take His love for granted and start doing a few sins here and there? After all, He does love you right? He’ll forgive you eventually, right?
Could you think of anything more frightening than the idea that Allah doesn’t love you? How much differently would you act if you knew for sure whether Allah loved you or not?
If you knew for certain that He loved you, would youstrive to maintain that love? Would you do the best you could not to ever fall out of His favor?
Or would you take His love for granted and start doing a few sins here and there? After all, He does love you right? He’ll forgive you eventually, right?
Some scholars] have suggested that Muḥammad used the term Allah in addressing both pagan Arabs and Jews or Christians in order to establish a common ground for the understanding of the name for God, a claim Gerhard Böwering says is doubtful. According to Böwering, in contrast with pre-Islamic Arabian polytheism, God in Islam does not have associates and companions, nor is there any kinship between God and jinn] Pre-Islamic pagan Arabs believed in a blind, powerful, inexorable and insensible fate over which man had no control. This was replaced with the Islamic notion of a powerful but provident and merciful God.

People often forget the importance of the simple yet powerful dua (supplication) – Istighfar i.e., saying “Astaghfirullah” (I seek forgiveness of Allah). It is the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) to seek istighfaar 100 times daily. ... Istighfar (Astaghfirullah
Astaghfirullah (Istighfar) أستغفر الله “I seek forgiveness from Allah” is the gateway of relief and happiness. Reciting Astaghfiruallah is an ...
Astaghfirullah al-'Azeem al-lazi la ilaha illa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum wa atubu ilaih ”. [I seek the forgiveness of Allah the Mighty, Whom there is ...

I Love Allah I love Muhammad Saww
Whoever recites Quran, his value is amplified. Whoever records hadith, his proof is strengthened. Whoever learns jurisprudence, his status is ennobled. Whoever learns Arabic, his disposition becomes gentle. Whoever learns mathematics, his opinion will be copious. And whoever fails to defend his honor will not benefit from his knowledge. - Imam ash-Shaafee [not a hadith]

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