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Saturday, 18 February 2017

I Love Allah I love Muhammad Saww
If a man spreads his own secret with his own tongue in the first place, then he is a fool, for indeed if he can't keep it, how can he expect others to! [not a hadith]

Make matters well between you and Allah, and Allah will make matters well between you and people
Every journey requires provisions, so let piety (taqwa) be your provision in the journey from the life in this world to the Hereafter
May Peace and Blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), his family, his companions, and his followers!
صلى الله عليه وسلم
Know that Islam is perfect and it is complete. We do not need to add or subtract anything to it. Islam need not follow our commands, rather we need to follow the commands of Islam! Check this out:
"This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion" [see 5:3]
A reminder for me too, in'sha'Allah! #AllahuAkbar
Alhamdulillah we have reached another blessed day of Friday. How was your jumah? Share a gem that you learned this week whether from the jumah khutbah or elsewhere so that others can benefit and you can also share in the reward, in'sha'Allah! #AllahuAkbar
As Muslims, some of us have a tendency to bring each other down? Would you agree? Nowadays Muslims are bringing other Muslims down? Hating them, trolling them, spying on them, spreading rumours about them, slandering them, humiliating them, embarrassing them.
So don't feel proud at the mistakes of others. Stay humble and thank Allah for protecting you and always remember whoever follows the mistakes of others (seeking to shame or discredit them), will have his mistakes exposed in the Hereafter.
Narrated Nafi`: Once in a cold night, Ibn `Umar pronounced the Adhan for the prayer at Dajnan (the name of a mountain) and then said, "Pray at your homes", and informed us that Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to tell the Mu'adh-dhin to pronounce Adhan and say, "Pray at your homes" at the end of the Adhan on a rainy or a very cold night during the journey." (Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 1, Book 11, Hadith 605) How thoughtful of our Nabi... Alhamdulillah
ase in shā’ Allāh (meaning 'if God wills') after references to future events. Muslim discursive piety encourages beginning things with the invocation of bismillāh (meaning 'in the name of God').]In Islamic tradition, there are 99 Names of God (al-asmā’ al-ḥusná lit. meaning: 'the best names' or 'the most beautiful names'), each of which evoke a distinct characteristic of Allah. All these names refer to Allah, the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name.]Among the 99 names of God, the most famous and most frequent of these names are "the Merciful" (al-Raḥmān) and "the Compassionate" (al-Raḥīm).

There are certain phrases in praise of God that are favored by Muslims, including "Subḥān Allāh" (Holiness be to God), "al-ḥamdu lillāh" (Praise be to God), "lā ilāha illā Allāh" (There is no deity but God) and "Allāhu akbar" (God is greater) as a devotional exercise of remembering God (. In a Sufi practice known as dhikr Allah (lit. remembrance of God), the Sufi repeats and contemplates on the name Allah or other divine names while controlling his or her breath.

Some scholars] have suggested that Muḥammad used the term Allah in addressing both pagan Arabs and Jews or Christians in order to establish a common ground for the understanding of the name for God, a claim Gerhard Böwering says is doubtful. According to Böwering, in contrast with pre-Islamic Arabian polytheism, God in Islam does not have associates and companions, nor is there any kinship between God and jinn] Pre-Islamic pagan Arabs believed in a blind, powerful, inexorable and insensible fate over which man had no control. This was replaced with the Islamic notion of a powerful but provident and merciful God.
Alhamdulillah we have reached another blessed day of Friday. How was your jumah? Share a gem that you learned this week whether from the jumah khutbah or elsewhere so that others can benefit and you can also share in the reward, in'sha'Allah! #AllahuAkbar
As Muslims, some of us have a tendency to bring each other down? Would you agree? Nowadays Muslims are bringing other Muslims down? Hating them, trolling them, spying on them, spreading rumours about them, slandering them, humiliating them, embarrassing them.
So don't feel proud at the mistakes of others. Stay humble and thank Allah for protecting you and always remember whoever follows the mistakes of others (seeking to shame or discredit them), will have his mistakes exposed in the Hereafter.
On the second day of the Hajj, Muslims gather at Mount Arafat to mark the most important ritual of the pilgrimage.Nearly two million Muslims have gathered in the vast Saudi plain of Mount Arafat for the most important ritual of the Hajj, an annual pilgrimage that re-enacts the actions of the Prophet Muhammad from more than 1,400 years ago.

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