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Thursday, 23 February 2017


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God in Islam
In Islamic theology, God (Arabic: الله‎, translit. Allāh‎) is the all-powerful and all-knowing creator, sustainer, ordainer and judge of everything in existence.

Islam emphasizes that God is strictly singular (tawḥīd ): unique (wāḥid ), inherently One (aḥad ) also all-merciful and omnipotent.According to Islamic teachings, beyond the Throne and according to the Quran, "No vision can grasp him, but His grasp is over all vision: He is above all comprehension, yet is acquainted with all things.

The Surat 112 Al-'Ikhlāş (The Sincerity) says: "He is God, [who is] One. God, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent."

In Islam, there are 99 known names of God (al-asmāʼ al-ḥusná lit. meaning: "The best names"), each of which evoke a distinct attribute of God.] All these names refer to Allah, the supreme and all-comprehensive god. Among the 99 names of God, the most familiar and frequent of these names are "the Compassionate" (Ar-Raḥmān) and "the Merciful"i (Ar-Raḥīm). Creation and ordering of the universe is seen as an act of prime mercy for which all creatures sing God's attributes and bear witness to God's unity.

The word Allah (Arabic: الله) is the Arabic term for God. It usually refers to the Islamic God, but in the Middle East, other religions sometimes use the same term for their God.
In Islam, Allah is the main word for "God." Muslims use 99 Names of God to describe God, but "Allah" is the most common of these and means all of them. This is because in Arabic, "al" is an article (word for "the"), so al-Lah means "the God". This is monotheism. When a Muslim says "Allah," all of the other names of God are thought of as part of it. Muslims also believe that this word tells about God's being a single entity and as being without wrong or defect and of God having no partner.
In Arabic, the name "Allah" is composed of four letters, ا ل ل ه (or Alif Lam Lam Ha, from right to left), which when brought together make الله.
"Allah" is often used by Muslims when they are praying. Muslims have a faith in one God. They believe that God is the one who made everything, the one judge, and the only one who has power over all things. They also believe that Allah created the heavens and the Earth just by saying "Kun,' which means "Be". 
As Muslims, some of us have a tendency to bring each other down? Would you agree? Nowadays Muslims are bringing other Muslims down? Hating them, trolling them, spying on them, spreading rumours about them, slandering them, humiliating them, embarrassing them.
So don't feel proud at the mistakes of others. Stay humble and thank Allah for protecting you and always remember whoever follows the mistakes of others (seeking to shame or discredit them), will have his mistakes exposed in the Hereafter.
On the second day of the Hajj, Muslims gather at Mount Arafat to mark the most important ritual of the pilgrimage.Nearly two million Muslims have gathered in the vast Saudi plain of Mount Arafat for the most important ritual of the Hajj, an annual pilgrimage that re-enacts the actions of the Prophet Muhammad from more than 1,400 years ago.

Worshippers from more than 150 countries converged at the 70-metre hill at sunrise on Sunday, some 15km from Mecca, for "wukuf", a high point of the Hajj which all pilgrims must attend in the mid-afternoon.

Wearing two white, unstitched pieces of cloth for men known as the "ihram", and any loose-fitting clothing for women, the pilgrims climbed steps built into the hill where the Prophet Muhammad gave his final sermon.

In what looked like an unbroken sea of white, the pilgrims marched to the top, reciting prayers and supplications.
As Muslims, some of us have a tendency to bring each other down? Would you agree? Nowadays Muslims are bringing other Muslims down? Hating them, trolling them, spying on them, spreading rumours about them, slandering them, humiliating them, embarrassing them.
So don't feel proud at the mistakes of others. Stay humble and thank Allah for protecting you and always remember whoever follows the mistakes of others (seeking to shame or discredit them), will have his mistakes exposed in the Hereafter.
And We have certainly established you upon the earth and made for you therein ways of livelihood. Little are you grateful. (Surah Al-A'raf, 7:10) Are we grateful to Allah? Say Alhamdulillah..

Ramdan 2017

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