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Thursday, 23 February 2017

Allah Hu Akbar

Makkah Photo
Makkah Video 
I Love Makkah
live khana kaba 
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Live Madina Video 
Madina Video 2017
Makkah Video 2017
When a person loves Allah or his parents or any other person with his full heart into him,
and that too for the sake of Allah Subhanwatala; Allah blesses and rewards him. His duniya and akhirat gets beautified and gets blessed.
With Allah's pure love in his heart, he does not seek the material things of this world.
So, if you truly desire to love somebody, just love for the sake of Allah. Allah will make that love last forever in sha Allah.
Love Allah (swt) and his beloved Prophet Mohammad (saw).
Dont love this world. Dont get mad over the material things of this world. This world does good to no one.
But when we love Allah, Allah loves us even more. 70 times more than our mothers could ever love us. Now, imagine the intensity of Allah's love?
Allah's love for us never fades, it never gets over. Infact it gets intensified, the more we get closer to Him.
May Allah protect, guide and bless us all. Aameen SUMMA AAMEEN
When a person loves Allah or his parents or any other person with his full heart into him,
and that too for the sake of Allah Subhanwatala; Allah blesses and rewards him. His duniya and akhirat gets beautified and gets blessed.
With Allah's pure love in his heart, he does not seek the material things of this world.
So, if you truly desire to love somebody, just love for the sake of Allah. Allah will make that love last forever in sha Allah.
Love Allah (swt) and his beloved Prophet Mohammad (saw).
Dont love this world. Dont get mad over the material things of this world. This world does good to no one.
But when we love Allah, Allah loves us even more. 70 times more than our mothers could ever love us. Now, imagine the intensity of Allah's love?
Allah's love for us never fades, it never gets over. Infact it gets intensified, the more we get closer to Him.
May Allah protect, guide and bless us all. Aameen SUMMA AAMEEN
When a person loves Allah or his parents or any other person with his full heart into him,
and that too for the sake of Allah Subhanwatala; Allah blesses and rewards him. His duniya and akhirat gets beautified and gets blessed.
With Allah's pure love in his heart, he does not seek the material things of this world.
So, if you truly desire to love somebody, just love for the sake of Allah. Allah will make that love last forever in sha Allah.
Love Allah (swt) and his beloved Prophet Mohammad (saw).
Dont love this world. Dont get mad over the material things of this world. This world does good to no one.
But when we love Allah, Allah loves us even more. 70 times more than our mothers could ever love us. Now, imagine the intensity of Allah's love?
Allah's love for us never fades, it never gets over. Infact it gets intensified, the more we get closer to Him.
May Allah protect, guide and bless us all. Aameen SUMMA AAMEEN
Latest Photo of Makkah 2017
In what looked like an unbroken sea of white, the pilgrims marched to the top, reciting prayers and supplications.

In the victory of Allah. He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful. (Surah Ar-Rum, 30:5)
Beautiful moments in Masjid Al Nabawi..
Beautiful moments in Makkah
And the reward of the Hereafter is better for those who believed and were fearing Allah. (Surah Yusuf, 12:57)
Ramdan 2017 Latest photo
Ramdan 2017 calender
And the reward of the Hereafter is better for those who believed and were fearing Allah. (Surah Yusuf, 12:57)

HAJJ 2017 
Latest Photo of Makkah 2017
In what looked like an unbroken sea of white, the pilgrims marched to the top, reciting prayers and supplications.

In the victory of Allah. He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful. (Surah Ar-Rum, 30:5)
Beautiful moments in Masjid Al Nabawi..
When a person loves Allah or his parents or any other person with his full heart into him,
and that too for the sake of Allah Subhanwatala; Allah blesses and rewards him. His duniya and akhirat gets beautified and gets blessed.
With Allah's pure love in his heart, he does not seek the material things of this world.
So, if you truly desire to love somebody, just love for the sake of Allah. Allah will make that love last forever in sha Allah.
Love Allah (swt) and his beloved Prophet Mohammad (saw).
Dont love this world. Dont get mad over the material things of this world. This world does good to no one.
But when we love Allah, Allah loves us even more. 70 times more than our mothers could ever love us. Now, imagine the intensity of Allah's love?
Allah's love for us never fades, it never gets over. Infact it gets intensified, the more we get closer to Him.
May Allah protect, guide and bless us all. Aameen SUMMA AAMEEN
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِIn the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most KindWatch Rare Pictures of Kaaba.Kaaba in 1941 Flood ! click on pictures to download picturesبِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِIn the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most KindWatch Rare Pictures of Kaaba.Kaaba in 1941 Flood ! click on pictures to download pictures As Muslims, some of us have a tendency to bring each other down? Would you agree? Nowadays Muslims.

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